Karuna Digital

Continuity Programs

Free Trials and Sampling with Upsell and Subscription Offers

Drive 1,000s of New Customers

Continuity Programs get your product in the hands of interested consumers. If they like your product, you have a long-term customer. If they don’t, your costs are minimized with a sample-size offering.

Do you want 500, 1,000, or 10,000 new free trial customers each month? Karuna can deliver – and not in 6 or 12 months, but next month.

  • Karuna Consulting just gets it and considers themselves partners in our success.  I highly recommend them for any business in any industry that demands a... READ FULL QUOTE
    Robert Shryoc CEO

Our Approach

Continuity programs differ based on the industry and product price points. But they are powerful and effective at driving a high volume of new customers. Karuna explains the entire program to your sales and management team.
Pro-Formas & Budgets
How much budget will your company need to acquire 10,000 new customers? Aligning budget and volume helps your company make the right growth decision for your brand.
Analyzing and Optimizing
Each day, the potential for hundreds of new customers enter your ecosystem. Tracking their behavior and re-purchasing activity is key to the success of the program. Karuna creates daily tracking reports for full transparency with your brand.

Our work can speak for itself. Want to check out a cross-section of our portfolio?

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